Saturday, April 25, 2020

Week 4 and 5 in Michigan

Week 4 and 5

I am continuing to work on cleaning and organizing things, I am making progress but there is still more to do! Maybe you are also doing cleaning and organizing during this time?

The doctor looked at my ears and there is no infection but my eustachian tube must still be inflamed because there is quite a lot of fluid behind my ear drum especially in the right ear; this build up of fluid is what is causing my dizziness/vertigo (and the other issues I had when flying to Kona and also at the beginning of March); I have meds to take for a month that will hopefully fix the problem.

The YWAM Kona campus has less people living there now than when the base was first started back in 1977! Wow. There have been no cases of COVID in anyone living on campus and only one case in a staff that was living off campus, this person was in self isolation and so it spread to no-one else, this person is completely recovered.

There is a Zoom meeting three times a week that all staff are invited to as well as the DTS students. The campus core leadership are talking and praying about how to move forward wisely in the coming months as the curve flattens.

Tranformations Magazine

This is a link to the latest issue of a YWAM Magazine:

Pictures from page 18; middle picture is of some of the vine.

On pages 15-21 there is an article that shares some ways that YWAM Kona, over recent years, has been seeking to serve local needs; on page 18 you can see pictures of a house/property that I helped clean when I was a DTS student a year ago. The middle picture is of a huge viney plant that was all over one side of the house; I was part of the group of women that helped cut up that vine and pull it off the house and fence!

24/7 Prayer for the Nations

YWAM Kona has started a 24/7 Prayer Initiative to try to cover every nation in prayer 1 hour every week. (Inspired by the Moravians)YWAM Kona staff were invited to sign up for 1 hour slots and each slot was given 1 nation to pray for; thus far 89% of the week is covered so that is exciting and staff are still signing up.

Lectures for Homereach Students

Here are links to the lectures the students listened to for these week; both are good! There are three more weeks of home reach left; I will post links to those lectures in the coming weeks.

Revival:Surrender-Adam Durso

Revival:Small Beginnings-Suzy Silk

The Cha Cha Song

Here is another video that I made for the kids at my church. Unfortunately I couldn't find any video clips of people from my outreach team to include in this one.

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