Saturday, May 9, 2020

Week 6 and 7 in Michigan

Week 6 and 7 in Michigan

The YWAM Kona campus core leadership continues to talk and pray about how to move forward while also abiding by Hawaii's state regulations in the coming months. The Big Island is doing a phenomenal job of decreasing the spread of COVID; the most recent update that I heard is: there have been 74 positive cases and 72 of these people have recovered; the remaining 2 are quarantined in their homes. 

I was encouraged by the Zoom meetings that happened this past week; lots of good testimonies of God at work in the nations! Here are a few of the stories that were shared:  YWAM Kona was able to bless people in Mozambique with funds to purchase needed food/supplies and thousands of SD card bibles;  COVID is affecting these people but violence in this area is actually an even bigger problem. The campus also gave to poor remote villages and HIV/Aids communities in Myanmar sending large quantities of rice and virus relief boxes that included other foods like egg along with Bibles in their language. In our Friday meeting we heard from contacts at the base in Battambang, Cambodia and how they are expectant that in this time of COVID crisis many hearts will be open to the gospel. One evidence of this already happening is the number of people following the Battambang bases weekly community night online. Before COVID there were about 1,000 people following online, this number has now increased to 9,000!

One of the other Crossroads staff shared a link in our What's App group chat to a 6 session video/PDF ecourse called Family Time done by Nothing Hidden Ministries; they are offering this resource for FREE through May 15

I have one lead about some training to be offered online in a few weeks that I might be interested in doing! The training is not offered through YWAM Kona, but I heard about it through 2 different YWAM staff, and it is similar to the Restoring the Foundations training that I was hoping to do but has not been available yet. I think it would be helpful training to have if I returned to Kona or in any ministry setting; I will update you if I decide to do this. I will hopefully chat with two of the Crossroads school leaders in the next week or two and possibly have a better idea of what I will be doing in the next couple months.

24/7 Prayer for the Nations

Every 1 hour slot has been taken by a staff member, so 100% of the week is now covered!!

In addition to this 24/7 prayer initiative many YWAM Kona staff are also participating in 30 days of prayer for the Muslim world.

Lecture for Homereach Students

Here are links to the lectures that students listened to for weeks 6 & 7. One more week of homereach left; I will post the link to that lecture in the next blog post.

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