Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 8 & 9

Outreach update- Not Going to Cambodia or Thailand

We are no longer able to travel to Cambodia or Thailand for outreach. Due to the rapid spread of the Corona virus the YWAM Kona Campus leadership, after lots of prayer and research, has decided not to permit any outreach teams to travel to countries in South East Asia for this quarter. Please continue to pray for those being directly and indirectly effected by this virus, the churches and believers in those areas and for the YWAM Kona leadership as they make decisions about outreach teams/locations.

My outreach team does not yet know where we are going!
Last week, as Crossroads staff we spent time praying together and individually, listening to the Lord about where He wants us to go. We have reached out to a few YWAM bases in different countries asking them to pray about hosting us. In addition to my outreach team there is another Crossroads outreach group that also needs a new location and many other DTS's and secondary school outreach teams need to change locations too. So that is a lot of people! The campus leadership is in prayer about a divine strategies for rerouting all of these teams.

I am excited to see where the Lords leads us! I have been writing a blog every two weeks but with there only being 3 weeks left before outreach I will be sure to write a post as soon as I know our outreach location.

Freedom- Adam Narciso

The teaching this week came straight out of a book called the Freedom Manual. When I was a student, we went through this same book in class ,but with a different teacher. It was one of my favorite weeks.

Adam did a good job teaching the material, incorporating his own stories/testimony and also trying to activate the students, so they feel more equipped to apply what they are learning. I was disappointed that he did not go though 1 or 2 of the worksheets in the book with the students; the days we did the worksheets when I was a student were really powerful days full of healing and breakthrough; but I think we will go through a couple of the worksheets in our small group or outreach groups.

The book has 21 chapters so there is no way to get through all of it in 4 days but some topics covered included:

  • The power of salvation
    • The greek word for 'save' in Luke 19:10 is sozo. It means deliverance, restoration, protection, preservation, healing, make whole
  • Our original design- how to know your design?
    • The Bible (1 John 3:1, Colossians 1:2, Ephesians 1:18, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Epheisan 1:1, Colossians 1:2, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 5:8)
    • Seek the Lord yourself (James 1:5, Jeremiah 33:3)
    • Seek the Lord in church (1 Timothy 1:18, 1 Corinthians 14:3)
  • Strongholds
  • Worksheets in the book help identify areas of bondage (anger, fear, passivity, rejection, shame, and unforgiveness) and to help people pray through:
    • Repent of the sin (Acts 3:19)
    • Receive God's forgiveness snd cleansing (Psalm 103:8-12; 1 John 1:9)
    • Rebuke the enemy's how on ou because of sin (Matthew 4:10; James 4:7)
    • Replace al lies with God's truth (Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 5:18)

Intercession and Worship-Andy Byrd and Michael W. Smith

Personal life of Prayer
  • Matthew 6:5-15: Personal life of Prayer
    • God the Father know what you need but wants you to ask Him because knowing Him is a real relationship
    • 'Our Father in heaven'
      • our=family, church, community
      • Father=hears us and is near us
      • heavenly=able to breakthrough/interene in unlimited/impossible ways
  • Luke 18:1-8 Persistent Widow
    • God is not unjust and you are not a nagging widow
    • If a nagging widow received from /was heard by the unjust judge how much more with you just Father hear you who is his daughter/son
  • Luke 11:1-13 Shameless audacity/perseverance
  • Thoughts on fasting:
    • God is speaking maybe if I fast I will hear him better
    • God is powerful maybe if I fast I will be positioned/humbled to receive it/give it out
      • Fasting is a gift of brokenness outside our circumstances having to break us (gift of a tender heart)
During outreach the strength of our team will come from our personal and group time in prayer and intercession

Michael W. Smith just happened to be on the island, so he stopped by to visit our lecture on Monday. He shared some awesome stories of God working in his life and then lea us in a short but impactful time of worship.

Beautiful Sunsets

Answered Prayer:

1) LOTS of breakthrough/healing/freedom for me during my prayer session on Friday Feb 21st!!!! Thank you for praying💜🙏
2) The staff is working more and more as a unified team even with all the changes that are happening with outreach

Prayer Requests

1. Final decision about an outreach location and for all the planning and prep that will need to happen in a very short period of time.
2. Perseverance and intentionality to maintain the freedom God gave me during that prayer session.
3. Good sleep and good health for me and the students/their families
 -I am getting motion sick even more easy than usual and think there might be something going on with my ears; going to get them check out on Monday.
4. Unity among staff (entire staff and each outreach team); good communication
5. Courage, wisdom, understanding, patience with myself and others, humility
6. God's provision for financial support ($3,862 raised so far; total needed $6,535-$7655)
**I won't know the cost of outreach until we have decided on new outreach location**
7. Clear direction during DTS and Outreach
8. Clear direction for after DTS is finished. 

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...