Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Going back to Kona July 11!!!

I have plane tickets to return to Kona, HI July 11! Hooray!!!

Transport, Aircraft, Flight, Sky, Cloud
The plan once I am in Kona has been adjusted a bit since my last post, but it is a good change.😊

Planning, Plan, Adjusting, Aspirations

I will not be doing Leadership Track like originally hoped; this training was recently modified and it is now very heavily geared toward staffing with a DTS call Fire and Fragrance. They are a great school, but I don't feel the Lord calling me to staff with that DTS at all; I believe the Lord is asking me to keep staffing with Crossroads DTS this coming fall, so it would not be beneficial for me to do that training anymore. 

Instead, this summer I will be learning more about the prayer ministry called Restoring the Foundations! This is a ministry that blessed many of the Crossroads DTS students (and many other students and staff on the YWAM campus) this past January-March. I have been interested in learning more about it since I was a DTS student in 2019. I am even more excited to learn about RTF than I was about the idea of leadership track; it will be a very beneficial tool for me to have for staffing with Crossroads and wherever the Lord leads me in the future. 

I will be living in a shared room in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom condo in a complex that is literally right next to the YWAM Kona campus! The condo belongs to a couple who are YWAM staff and two other female YWAM staff also rent rooms there. As required by the state of Hawaii, I will quarantine for 14 days once I arrive. The other person I am sharing a room with will be gone for the month of July, so that works out good for me quarantining; by the time she comes back in August the mandatory quarantine will have been lifted. As a courtesy to the other people in the condo and especially to the person I will be sharing the bathroom with, I will take a COVID-19 test the Tuesday before I leave.

Answered Prayer

  • I get to return to Kona to learn about Restoring the Foundations with the intent to keep staffing with Crossroads DTS! :)

Prayer Requests

1. Wise use of time the next 10 days as I pack and prepare to return to Kona
2. Good health :)
3. That my heart and mind would be ready to step fully into this next season whatever it may hold.

Financial Update

Funds set aside for return to Kona: $3,717

Estimated and known expenses for July-Sept 2020:
  • My plane ticket back to Kona (plus luggage): $512
  • Housing: $450/month
  • Food estimate: $120-200/month 
  • Estimate for toiletries, household, misc items: $10-$50/month
Total estimated expenses for July-September: $2,342- $2,612

(Estimated remaining funds to be used toward staffing in the fall: $1,105-$1,375)

Continuing to Staff with Crossroads 

Pandemic pending, my plan this September is to staff with Crossroads for the 3 month lecture phase that starts at the end of September. I would not go on outreach with these students, but would instead stay in Kona to help with the January 2021 Crossroads DTS lecture phase and then go on outreach with the January students. 

I will need to raise funds to continue to staff with Crossroads!

Please pray about continuing to support me through prayer or financially. I will begin to reach out  more actively through emails and phone calls to raise support once I am back in Kona, but below are some estimated expenses and also possible ways to give for you to begin considering.

Estimated expenses for staying to staff:
Housing: $450/month
Food: $120-$200/month
Toiletries/household/misc items: $10-$50/month
Graduate School loan payment (starting in Sept) $250-$300/month

Estimated Monthly Total:  $830- $1000

Estimate for 2021 outreach: $3,000-$4,000 (This is would likely include round trip plane tickets, housing and food for the two month of outreach abroad)

Ways to Give (**Two of these have changed since my last trip to Kona**)

  • 1. Donate through my Venmo account
    •  My user name is @Jenna-Patnott

  • 2. Check made out to me and mailed to my bank (Lake Michigan Credit Union). Include a note that says "To be deposited into account" Mailing address:
          LMCU PO Box
          PO Box 2848
          Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • 3. Tax Deductible donation to be process through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account (if you want to use this option email me and I will send you the info for how to do this)

Friday, June 19, 2020

Week 13 in Michigan and Looking Ahead

Sand, Beach, Ocean, Water, Footprints, Beach Sand

Looking ahead

I am hoping to return to Kona at the beginning of July to do a two month training call Leadership Track; this training was recommenced to me by the January Crossroads school leaders when I first returned to Kona this past December. One of the Crossroads school leaders is hoping to meet with someone from the Leadership Track staff next week to see if I can get into the training. Please pray with me that this meeting goes well!

(Pandemic pending, my hope after doing Leadership Track is to stay in Kona to be staff for the 3 month lecture phase of September 2020 Crossroads DTS; I would not go with the September students on outreach, instead I would stay on in Kona and help with the January 2021 Crossroads DTS lecture phase and then go on outreach with the January students.)


When I updated you about finances on March 28, I reported $3,812 to be set aside for going back to Kona. I forgot to subtract the cost of my one checked bag, from when I flew back to Michigan ($30), and while back here in Michigan I used $20 in May to complete the first online training seminar of Restoring the Foundations. I just used $45 to begin the second online RTF training seminar.

So the actual amount left is: $3,717
  • The cost of a one way ticket back to Kona right now is between $400-$800.
  • The cost of Leadership track is $2,000. This cost includes housing and food for the 2 months, along with the cost of the training.
This would leave me with $917- $1317 at the end of August to be put toward paying for housing and food in September.

I will need raise funds again to stay on with YWAM Kona to staff the September 2020 and January 2021 Crossroads DTS. I will post more information about this after I know if I am accepted into Leadership Track.


I meant to include this in my last post (many weeks ago :) ) but forgot; here is a link to Hawaii's version of the song The Blessing; it is beautiful!

The Hawaii Blessing


1. Please pray for the meeting that should happen next week between the Crossroads school leader and Leadership Track staff about if I can do Leadership Track training.
2. Clear direction
3.My ears :) The meds take away or greatly lessen the symptoms but it seems that there has been a change in my eustachian tube anatomy and fluid now has a tendency to back up behind my ear drum, especially if I am sick or have allergies. I can monitor the symptoms and take over the counter med as needed; I am standing in faith, however that God will heal it completely.

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! https://youtu.be/ r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...