Sunday, May 8, 2022

Last Blog Post Here-Switch to quarterly newsletters

Hello family and friends,

Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway!

Spring has arrived and along with it a new season for me; I'm still staffing with YWAM Kona, but taking a break from serving with Crossroads DTS. I am staffing part-time on the Natural Farm at the moment and praying about staffing Foundations for Biblical Counseling (FBC/FCM) in the Fall 2022. 

I am also going to officially switch to using quarterly newsletters as my main way for sharing updates; so if you're reading this post and not already receiving my newsletters, please send me an email at and I will add you to the list! 

Thank you for all the ways you continually show love and support to me!
Blessings, Jenna

Monday, January 3, 2022


We are in Norway! 

Our first two week in Norway have been awesome and God is building strong unity on our team. We recovered from jet lag and even though daily life is usually pretty quiet in Norway during the holidays, we have still been able to connect with people!

On Christmas Day and New Years Eve we were excited to have guests visit us; these guests are refugees in Norway. Please pray for them! Several Norwegian families that are believers have visited us too; they are all hungry for encouragement and fellowship. Every Tuesday we help to clean and organize the retreat center where we live so it will be more functional in the future for large/small teams or individual missionaries. Now that the holidays are past, once a week the team will lead worship at an evening youth group; during the afternoon we will be out doing street evangelism. Every weekend will look different-this weekend the youth group is coming to stay with us at the center.

Praise Reports 
1. Great outreach team unity so far!
2. We have already seen God move in many ways- during our travel to Norway, in the connections forming on the team and as we connect with and minister to people in Norway
3. Financial provision for my outreach fees came through a in class CDTS fundraiser πŸ‘

Prayer Requests
1. Continue strength for me, the other staff and the students (spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically)
2. Special grace for the families on our team with small children- the kids are such an important part of our team.
3. Healing for the physical  health of woman who runs the retreat center


Layover in Holland (Amsterdam πŸ˜‰) on our way to Norway

Beautiful Norway- sunrise from our home and travel to our leader's home island

The Atlantic Ocean Road

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Outreach with September Crossroads too!!!


Go into all the World....

I get to staff outreach with the September and January Crossroads DTS! How is this possible since the schools overlap???  It was announced, this week during a staff meeting that the January CDTS is getting moved to April. πŸ˜ƒ

Argentina has been on my heart for awhile, but I'm not sure if its for now or the April school outreach; there is another location that God has been bring up lately too, so join me in praying about outreach locations!

The past couple months here in Kona have been a time for much needed rest, to reconnect with friends and help bit in some ministries I was serving in last fall; God has also blessed me with many unexpected "divine appointments" to minister one on one to people here in Kona. These divine appointment seem to be mutual ministry- I ministered to them while they also ministered to me! God is so good πŸ™Œ

I am excited for staff training to begin Sept 13 and the students to arrive on Sept. 30th.

(I have updated the prayer and financial needs below to reflect the changes too.)

Prayer and Financial Support

To continue serving with YWAM, it is essential that I have a team of people committed to partnering with me through prayer and financially! Prayer is powerful-I am so grateful whenever I hear that individuals or groups are praying for me. (James 5:13-18; Ephesian 6:12) πŸ™ 

No part of housing or living expenses are covered by YWAM; all missionaries with YWAM are required to raise their own personal financial support.

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term. I post specific prayer requests and praise reports on each blog as well as updates on financial needs!

Below are details about my estimated expenses and ways to give financially. One time and recurring donations are both welcome (one time and recurring donations of even $10 or $15 per month are very helpful!πŸ˜ƒ):

Estimated Expenses

Staffing Crossroads DTS 

September-mid December 2021: $2,920
  • Housing: $455/mo
  • Food: $275/mo
(*Graduate school loan beginning Jan 2022: $140/mo - total amount of loan $12,436.11)

Mid December '21-February 26, 2022: $4,000-$6,000 

  • Outreach fee- depending on location (Join me in praying about where!)
  • Graduate school loan beginning Jan 2022: $140/mo 

March 2022-June 2022

  • Housing: $455/mo
  • Food: $275/mo
  • Graduate school loan beginning Jan 2022: $140/mo
July 2022-August 2022

  • Outreach fee ($4000-$6000 depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give Financially

1. Donate through Venmo or PayPal (processing fee with PayPal):

2. Mail check or cash: 

  • My Lake Michigan Credit Union account; make check payable to Jenna Patnott and include a note that says "To be deposited into account")
    • LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • My home address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation through Mission Enablers International (MEI) personal account:

Donors can create an account to manage and maintain their giving. These donations can be recurring or one-time. Donors will receive one tax receipt per year from MEI at the end of the year; monthly receipts with return envelopes are not available. (Cash, check or E-check: 3.5% fee; Visa, Mastercard and PayPal: 6.5% fee; American Express and Discover: 7.45% fee)


  • Web address: (use my personal account number: JP3808)


  • Mail cash or check: make the check payable to Mission Enablers International or MEI and send it to the address below. Attach a separate note stating that the donation is for me OR put my number (JP3808) in the memo line.


P.O. Box 2127 

Bentonville, AR 72712

Praise Reports 
  1. Many exciting divine appointment over the past couple months!
  2. I'm enjoying connecting with other Crossroads DTS staff as they arrive in Kona.
  3. Community garden-continues to be a place of growth!
Prayer Requests
  1. Financial support for continuing to staff with YWAM
  2. Unity for the Crossroads staff (I know I ask prayer for unity a lot! Here's why-John 17:21-23 πŸ˜ƒ)
  3. Fresh and greater measure of the fear of the Lord in my life-that my heart would be surrendered completely to the Lord's leading.
    • "While it is very important to obey God because of what He says, it is even more important to obey Him for who He is. In order to test us on this, [God] often tells us to do unusual things that seem to us illogical." (Intimate Friendship with God by Joy Dawson p. 20)
Full rainbow that I saw while on a walk with fellow crossroads staff member

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Preparing to staff Crossroads DTS in September


Aloha Family and friends!

I hope you are enjoying summer time. πŸŒΊπŸŒˆπŸŒ…

I returned to Kona, HI in the middle of July; after taking some much needed rest and reconnecting with friends here, I am now also assisting with harvest on the YWAM natural farm and doing data entry once a week for the medical clinic. I am part of a two groups applying the tools/resources I just learned during the counseling school; I believe these tools will be especially beneficial when Crossroads DTS begins on September 30th. I am praying about helping to lead a small group during the upcoming Restoring the Foundations training seminar.

In this season God is giving me fresh and deeper perspective about rest (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and the truth that our value is not based on anything we do or do not do, a persons value is secure in the Lord because God says they are valuable. For me personally this means that when He gives me a season of rest, to enjoy it! I will need the rest in one season to be healthy for the next season where times of rest will be harder to come by. (Teacher's maybe you can relate to this wisdom with the school year and summer vacation cycle? :))

I am committed to staff Crossroads DTS lecture September, 30-December 2021, also to staff the lecture and outreach for the January to May 2022 CDTS. I was recently invited by one of the FBC school leaders to pray about staffing in September 2022 with the counseling school that I just finished.

Prayer and Financial Support

In order for me to keep serving with YWAM, it is essential that I continue to have a team of people committed to partnering with me through prayer and financially! Prayer is powerful and I am so grateful whenever I hear that individuals or groups are praying for me.(James 5:13-18; Ephesian 6:12) πŸ™ No part of housing or living expenses are covered by YWAM; all missionaries with YWAM are required to raise their own personal financial support.

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term. I post specific prayer requesst and praise reports on each blog as well as updates on financial needs!

Below are details about my estimated expenses and ways to give financially. One time and recurring donations are both welcome (recurring donations of even $10 or $15 per month are very helpful!πŸ˜ƒ):

Estimated Expenses

Staffing Crossroads DTS 

Aug 2021-March 2022 (Total: $6,260)
  • Housing: $455/mo
  • Food: $275/mo
  • Graduate school loan beginning Jan 2022: $140/mo (total amount of loan $12,436.11)

April 2022-May 2022 (TBA)

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give Financially

1. Donate through Venmo or PayPal (processing fee with PayPal):

2. Mail check or cash: 

  • My Lake Michigan Credit Union account; make check payable to Jenna Patnott and include a note that says "To be deposited into account")
    • LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • My home address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation through Mission Enablers International (MEI) personal account:

Donors can create an account to manage and maintain their giving. These donations can be recurring or one-time. Donors will receive one tax receipt per year from MEI at the end of the year; monthly receipts with return envelopes are not available. (Cash, check or E-check: 3.5% fee; Visa, Mastercard and PayPal: 6.5% fee; American Express and Discover: 7.45% fee)


  • Web address: (use my personal account number: JP3808)


  • Mail cash or check: make the check payable to Mission Enablers International or MEI and send it to the address below. Attach a separate note stating that the donation is for me OR put my number (JP3808) in the memo line.


P.O. Box 2127 

Bentonville, AR 72712

Praise Reports 
  1. Lots of good fellowship time with friends and family and needed rest this past month and half.
  2. First Crossroads staff zoom meeting last week! So good to connect with the staff I already know and meet new staff.
  3. We received names and pictures of incoming Crossroads students so we can begin to pray for them by name before they even arrive in Kona.
  4. Community garden-I have planted veggies and they are sprouting; other long-term staff are also starting to join the garden to grow their own veggies too.
Prayer Requests
  1. Financial support for continuing to staff with YWAM
  2. Continued wisdom about how to best use the time in Aug. and Sept. before CDTS begins Sept 30th.
  3. Unity for the Crossroads staff (I know I ask prayer for unity a lot! Here's why-John 17:21-23 πŸ˜ƒ)

Me and housemates!

Just planted-hoping to grow
my own veggies/greens in my garden. 

Trip to Polulu Valley with friend who
will be staffing CDTS with me

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Back in Michigan til June 30

I am back in Michigan visiting family and friends until June 30th! If you live in this area and are free to meet up please let me know, I'd love to see you and connect! I'll be in southern California the first week of July visiting family and then returning to Kona after that.

Below is a summary about my team's outreach in Tacoma, WA the first two weeks of June:

Arriving on June 1, all five of us lived in the master bedroom in a house near Tacoma. Another YWAM team from Monroe, WA was staying in other bedrooms and the house owner slept on the couch. Two other missionaries lived at the house for a short time before the Monroe team arrived- one man was working with football teams in the area and sharing the gospel and the other was a YWAMer that had been in France and was coming back to see friends in the area that he had met during a previous stay at the house for several months. The man who owns the house is retired airforce and uses his home as a ministry tool; he hosts YWAM teams, other missionaries and he ministers to kids that come to the park located just behind it; he offers water, drinks (gatorade, juice, milk, hot chocolate, etc) and snacks to the kids. In order to get more than water the kids have fill out a "ticket"; the ticket has pieces of bible verses and fill in the blanks to complete the verses. He has tons of different bible verse tickets, so each time the kids come for a snack they get a ticket and a bible and get to look up the verse, fill in the blanks and then he takes a couple minutes to talk about the meaning of the verse, explain any words the kids might not know and then to pray with/for them. We got to help with this ministry to the kids during our stay and it was pretty fun!

Both Thursdays, we served at Freedom River Outreach's (FRO) Food Bank- the first Thursday several from my team had what I believe was a God encounter with young homeless women who has come to the food bank multiple times but never opened up/talked much- she seemed to feel very safe with my teammates and spent a couple hours talking to them! The second Thursday I had "divine appointment" with an older man; he share some of his story, how he ended up in a shelter, his hopes to get his life together and I was able to pray with him too. The first Friday night we went out with the church team to go into homeless camps around the Tacoma area and offer to pray for people. Some people we met expressed they felt really blessed that we would come out to pray! The majority of the congregation and staff at FRO used to live on the streets or came out of addiction/criminal situations- they have amazing testimonies of how the Lord has transformed their life and the power of prayer. Both Saturdays my team offer a seminar to the church about tools we learned during our counseling school and then we also facilitated opportunities for them to practice the tools!

One day we also visited a ministry called Adorned in Grace- they minister in many ways to victims of abuse and human trafficking survivors. There is a dental office and a bridal shop connected to the ministry as well.

Overall it was definitely a success outreach, I saw and experience the Lord's at work in my own life, my team and in the lives of many that we met. I am disappointed we didn't have more opportunities to use the tools we learned but we did have some and for those I am grateful! I am looking forward to taking the tools I learned in this school and continuing to apply them in my own life and to share them with the Crossroads DTS staff and students this coming fall.

Mt. Ranier from the airplane

One homeless camp we visited under highway in Tacoma

Teaching in Tacoma

Team Trip to Mt Ranier-we drove as far up as Paradise

Sunset outside master bedroom window overlooking park

Dinner our last night shared with YWAM Monroe team

Praise Reports 
  1. I am here in Michigan to see family and friends and then get to go to California in July to see more family.
  2. My outreach expenses were fully covered!
  3. Our team ended outreach more unified than we were at the beginning and I think we all learn to be more sensitive to the Lord's guiding. 
  4. Both of our teachings Saturday's in Tacoma went really well.
Prayer Requests
  1. Good fellowship with friends and family and good rest in this season after outreach and before Crossroads DTS begins.
  2. How the Lord want me to best use the time he has given me when I return to Kona before staff training begins for September CDTS: at the natural farm; helping with prayer ministry, in the medical clinic doing data entry, etc

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

Friday, May 28, 2021

Wrapping up Tenderloin Ministry & Heading to Tacoma June 1 with the team

My team is wrapping up our time in the Tenderloin district! It has been a growing experience for all of us and I am grateful for the time. It has been a privilege to serve here this month even though we did not have formal opportunities to use or teach what we learned in counseling school within the community; we did use our counseling skills/tools within our team as we encountered challenges ourselves! :) I've met some great people and seen the Lord open the eyes of my own heart in new ways, as well as open the eyes of other people hearts to his love for them.

Thank you to everyone who prayed and gave financially toward the gentleman that needed new shoes; within one day after my last blog post, I had the opportunity to ask him about his shoe size and the financial need was covered to purchase the shoes too. God is so good! The gentleman was very thankful for the shoes and said to say thank you to those that helped get them for him.

We are headed to Tacoma, Washington on June 1 to serve at the church Freedom River Outreach. That first Saturday in Tacoma, my team is hosting a morning seminar at the church, which will look similar to the teaching ministry day we did while we were still in Hawaii. 


Helping at the food pantry

Me and my teammate helping with stack the cup game
on Mother's Day Celebration

Outside Church in the Tenderloin

Day at Fisherman's Warf

Scripture Art

Praise Reports 
  1. The gentleman who needed new shoes now has them and I believe he has experience God's love and kindness toward him through my team and the staff of the YWAM base here.
  2. I finally have peace from the Lord to go with the team to Tacoma June 1-16th for the last two weeks of our outreach AND we are so excited that another staff from our school will also be joining us there too!
  3. My known outreach expenses are covered! Any funds coming in now will be used toward unexpected expenses that come up or saved to be put toward expenses that I know I will have after outreach is done.
  4. Great person to sublease my space in the condo where I live in Kona while I am gone on outreach.
Prayer Requests
  1. Outreach team unity and good communication.
  2. That our hearts would be sensitive and submitted to the Lord for the work He is doing in and through us in this outreach season.
  3. Good physical mental, emotional and spiritual health/strength to push though when it is hard...but wisdom to know when/how to rest.

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Foundations of Biblical Counseling (FBC)-Jan-June 2021

(Fully Funded January-March πŸ˜ƒ)

April 1- June 30, 2021-  ($3,390 raised so far)

Estimated Total: $2965+???

  • FBC Outreach fee: $2509 (covers school fee, housing, land transportation and food)
  • Other expenses while on outreach?: 
    • $140 one-way plane tickets to Oakland, CA
    • Shoes for gentleman on the street- $110
    • Personal items- $48
    • $158-one-way plane ticket to Tacoma, WA
    • ??? Unknown expenses in Tacoma ???
    • One ticket from Tacoma, WA to Michigan (cost already covered :))

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

Monday, May 17, 2021

Ministry in the Tenderloin District

Thank you for your prayers and support! After our first weekend in San Francisco, we learned that the rooms we were renting at the YWAM base each weekend in May, are in reality reserved for us every day the entire month; my outreach team is now living in the Tenderloin District for the whole month of May!

We are still working to find counseling related ministries here, but in the meantime have been serving at the food pantry on Thursdays, walking around the district streets on Friday nights and some other evenings passing out hot chocolates, and serving coffee/cookies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The YWAM base is one of only two shower facilities in the entire city for the houseless, they are open MWF for 3 hours, so people can enjoy hot coffee/cookies before or after their shower.

I feel a bit disappointed that we are still struggling so much to find counseling related ministries, but I am certainly seeing the Lord at work in my own life, my team members and also in interactions we have had with YWAM San Francisco staff, volunteers, and a few people we have met on the streets. I had the blessing of being able to pray for several people; also there is one middle aged man who is houseless that I have made a connection with. This man has only been on the streets a few months and I have seen him offer SO MUCH kindness and generosity toward many people (others living on the street, YWAM staff, myself).

I noticed today that he has worn a hole through the bottom of his shoes; I would like to bless him by buying another pair of good/sturdy/warm new shoes or hiking boots. Would you like to join me in blessing this man? Pray that I would have an opportunity to ask him what size shoes he wears, if he has any special footwear needs and that he would not be ashamed to receive. I don't know how much it would cost yet but I estimate $100-$150, so if you would like to give financially toward this specific purchase that would also be super helpful!

Prayer Requests
  1. Special Prayer Request: For a gentle, kind middle aged man that I met on the street; he spends the majority of his day sitting/walking on the sidewalk just outside the YWAM base windows. Pray that his physical needs would continue to be met, the housing he is waiting for in a nearby are would open and his heart would be softened toward the gospel of Jesus.
  2. Outreach team unity and communication!!! (We are making good progress but its still a big need)
  3. Ministry connections for June- three from my team are going to Tacoma Washington; I'm still waiting on the Lord for direction about staying in California someplace or if I will join them in Tacoma.
  4. That our hearts would be sensitive and submitted to the Lord for the work He is doing in and through us in this outreach season.
  5. Good physical mental, emotional and spiritual health/strength to push though when it is hard...but wisdom to know when/how to rest.
Praise Reports 
  1. My known outreach expenses are covered! Any funds coming in now will be used toward unexpected expenses that come up or saved to be put toward expenses that I know I will have after outreach is done.
  2. Housing for May is all set.
  3. God has provided a connection with someone who sounds like they will be a great fit to sublease my space in the condo where I live in Kona while I am gone on outreach.

The Golden Gate Bridge

Chinatown and teammate from China cooking Chinese food

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Foundations of Biblical Counseling (FBC)-Jan-June 2021

(Fully Funded January-March πŸ˜ƒ)

April 1- June 30, 2021- Estimated Total: $2509 + 140 + ??? ($2,515 raised so far)

  • FBC Outreach fee: $2509 (covers school fee, housing, land transportation and food)
  • Other expenses while on outreach?: 
    • $140 one-way plane tickets to Oakland, CA
    • ?????

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

Last Blog Post Here-Switch to quarterly newsletters

Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...