Monday, January 3, 2022


We are in Norway! 

Our first two week in Norway have been awesome and God is building strong unity on our team. We recovered from jet lag and even though daily life is usually pretty quiet in Norway during the holidays, we have still been able to connect with people!

On Christmas Day and New Years Eve we were excited to have guests visit us; these guests are refugees in Norway. Please pray for them! Several Norwegian families that are believers have visited us too; they are all hungry for encouragement and fellowship. Every Tuesday we help to clean and organize the retreat center where we live so it will be more functional in the future for large/small teams or individual missionaries. Now that the holidays are past, once a week the team will lead worship at an evening youth group; during the afternoon we will be out doing street evangelism. Every weekend will look different-this weekend the youth group is coming to stay with us at the center.

Praise Reports 
1. Great outreach team unity so far!
2. We have already seen God move in many ways- during our travel to Norway, in the connections forming on the team and as we connect with and minister to people in Norway
3. Financial provision for my outreach fees came through a in class CDTS fundraiser 👏

Prayer Requests
1. Continue strength for me, the other staff and the students (spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically)
2. Special grace for the families on our team with small children- the kids are such an important part of our team.
3. Healing for the physical  health of woman who runs the retreat center


Layover in Holland (Amsterdam 😉) on our way to Norway

Beautiful Norway- sunrise from our home and travel to our leader's home island

The Atlantic Ocean Road

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...