Sunday, August 15, 2021

Preparing to staff Crossroads DTS in September


Aloha Family and friends!

I hope you are enjoying summer time. πŸŒΊπŸŒˆπŸŒ…

I returned to Kona, HI in the middle of July; after taking some much needed rest and reconnecting with friends here, I am now also assisting with harvest on the YWAM natural farm and doing data entry once a week for the medical clinic. I am part of a two groups applying the tools/resources I just learned during the counseling school; I believe these tools will be especially beneficial when Crossroads DTS begins on September 30th. I am praying about helping to lead a small group during the upcoming Restoring the Foundations training seminar.

In this season God is giving me fresh and deeper perspective about rest (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and the truth that our value is not based on anything we do or do not do, a persons value is secure in the Lord because God says they are valuable. For me personally this means that when He gives me a season of rest, to enjoy it! I will need the rest in one season to be healthy for the next season where times of rest will be harder to come by. (Teacher's maybe you can relate to this wisdom with the school year and summer vacation cycle? :))

I am committed to staff Crossroads DTS lecture September, 30-December 2021, also to staff the lecture and outreach for the January to May 2022 CDTS. I was recently invited by one of the FBC school leaders to pray about staffing in September 2022 with the counseling school that I just finished.

Prayer and Financial Support

In order for me to keep serving with YWAM, it is essential that I continue to have a team of people committed to partnering with me through prayer and financially! Prayer is powerful and I am so grateful whenever I hear that individuals or groups are praying for me.(James 5:13-18; Ephesian 6:12) πŸ™ No part of housing or living expenses are covered by YWAM; all missionaries with YWAM are required to raise their own personal financial support.

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term. I post specific prayer requesst and praise reports on each blog as well as updates on financial needs!

Below are details about my estimated expenses and ways to give financially. One time and recurring donations are both welcome (recurring donations of even $10 or $15 per month are very helpful!πŸ˜ƒ):

Estimated Expenses

Staffing Crossroads DTS 

Aug 2021-March 2022 (Total: $6,260)
  • Housing: $455/mo
  • Food: $275/mo
  • Graduate school loan beginning Jan 2022: $140/mo (total amount of loan $12,436.11)

April 2022-May 2022 (TBA)

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give Financially

1. Donate through Venmo or PayPal (processing fee with PayPal):

2. Mail check or cash: 

  • My Lake Michigan Credit Union account; make check payable to Jenna Patnott and include a note that says "To be deposited into account")
    • LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • My home address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation through Mission Enablers International (MEI) personal account:

Donors can create an account to manage and maintain their giving. These donations can be recurring or one-time. Donors will receive one tax receipt per year from MEI at the end of the year; monthly receipts with return envelopes are not available. (Cash, check or E-check: 3.5% fee; Visa, Mastercard and PayPal: 6.5% fee; American Express and Discover: 7.45% fee)


  • Web address: (use my personal account number: JP3808)


  • Mail cash or check: make the check payable to Mission Enablers International or MEI and send it to the address below. Attach a separate note stating that the donation is for me OR put my number (JP3808) in the memo line.


P.O. Box 2127 

Bentonville, AR 72712

Praise Reports 
  1. Lots of good fellowship time with friends and family and needed rest this past month and half.
  2. First Crossroads staff zoom meeting last week! So good to connect with the staff I already know and meet new staff.
  3. We received names and pictures of incoming Crossroads students so we can begin to pray for them by name before they even arrive in Kona.
  4. Community garden-I have planted veggies and they are sprouting; other long-term staff are also starting to join the garden to grow their own veggies too.
Prayer Requests
  1. Financial support for continuing to staff with YWAM
  2. Continued wisdom about how to best use the time in Aug. and Sept. before CDTS begins Sept 30th.
  3. Unity for the Crossroads staff (I know I ask prayer for unity a lot! Here's why-John 17:21-23 πŸ˜ƒ)

Me and housemates!

Just planted-hoping to grow
my own veggies/greens in my garden. 

Trip to Polulu Valley with friend who
will be staffing CDTS with me

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...