Saturday, June 19, 2021

Back in Michigan til June 30

I am back in Michigan visiting family and friends until June 30th! If you live in this area and are free to meet up please let me know, I'd love to see you and connect! I'll be in southern California the first week of July visiting family and then returning to Kona after that.

Below is a summary about my team's outreach in Tacoma, WA the first two weeks of June:

Arriving on June 1, all five of us lived in the master bedroom in a house near Tacoma. Another YWAM team from Monroe, WA was staying in other bedrooms and the house owner slept on the couch. Two other missionaries lived at the house for a short time before the Monroe team arrived- one man was working with football teams in the area and sharing the gospel and the other was a YWAMer that had been in France and was coming back to see friends in the area that he had met during a previous stay at the house for several months. The man who owns the house is retired airforce and uses his home as a ministry tool; he hosts YWAM teams, other missionaries and he ministers to kids that come to the park located just behind it; he offers water, drinks (gatorade, juice, milk, hot chocolate, etc) and snacks to the kids. In order to get more than water the kids have fill out a "ticket"; the ticket has pieces of bible verses and fill in the blanks to complete the verses. He has tons of different bible verse tickets, so each time the kids come for a snack they get a ticket and a bible and get to look up the verse, fill in the blanks and then he takes a couple minutes to talk about the meaning of the verse, explain any words the kids might not know and then to pray with/for them. We got to help with this ministry to the kids during our stay and it was pretty fun!

Both Thursdays, we served at Freedom River Outreach's (FRO) Food Bank- the first Thursday several from my team had what I believe was a God encounter with young homeless women who has come to the food bank multiple times but never opened up/talked much- she seemed to feel very safe with my teammates and spent a couple hours talking to them! The second Thursday I had "divine appointment" with an older man; he share some of his story, how he ended up in a shelter, his hopes to get his life together and I was able to pray with him too. The first Friday night we went out with the church team to go into homeless camps around the Tacoma area and offer to pray for people. Some people we met expressed they felt really blessed that we would come out to pray! The majority of the congregation and staff at FRO used to live on the streets or came out of addiction/criminal situations- they have amazing testimonies of how the Lord has transformed their life and the power of prayer. Both Saturdays my team offer a seminar to the church about tools we learned during our counseling school and then we also facilitated opportunities for them to practice the tools!

One day we also visited a ministry called Adorned in Grace- they minister in many ways to victims of abuse and human trafficking survivors. There is a dental office and a bridal shop connected to the ministry as well.

Overall it was definitely a success outreach, I saw and experience the Lord's at work in my own life, my team and in the lives of many that we met. I am disappointed we didn't have more opportunities to use the tools we learned but we did have some and for those I am grateful! I am looking forward to taking the tools I learned in this school and continuing to apply them in my own life and to share them with the Crossroads DTS staff and students this coming fall.

Mt. Ranier from the airplane

One homeless camp we visited under highway in Tacoma

Teaching in Tacoma

Team Trip to Mt Ranier-we drove as far up as Paradise

Sunset outside master bedroom window overlooking park

Dinner our last night shared with YWAM Monroe team

Praise Reports 
  1. I am here in Michigan to see family and friends and then get to go to California in July to see more family.
  2. My outreach expenses were fully covered!
  3. Our team ended outreach more unified than we were at the beginning and I think we all learn to be more sensitive to the Lord's guiding. 
  4. Both of our teachings Saturday's in Tacoma went really well.
Prayer Requests
  1. Good fellowship with friends and family and good rest in this season after outreach and before Crossroads DTS begins.
  2. How the Lord want me to best use the time he has given me when I return to Kona before staff training begins for September CDTS: at the natural farm; helping with prayer ministry, in the medical clinic doing data entry, etc

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...