Sunday, April 18, 2021

Outreach in Kona

Hike at Captain Cook
Outreach in Kona has begun! We are preparing to lead a half day workshop for next Saturday (April 24); it will include us teaching topics/tools we have learned these past 3 months to other people and also giving them applications opportunities with these tools too. The overall theme is: The God of Love, Cares and some topics/tools to be covered include origins of suffering, lamenting, and Immanuel Journaling. 

Right now, we are taking time to reach out to people here in Kona who might be interested in coming to the workshop or who might like us to bring a piece of the workshop teaching to them. Twice a week we meet as team to pray and worship together and to hone our abilities in applying tools/skills we learned with each other ,so we are more confident in using them to help others outside our class when God gives us the opportunity. 

(Credit: Kimmy Yukako Kimura-
my roommate :))
Me and two others students fly to Oakland, CA on April 29 to join a few from our team already there. In the morning, May 1 we will participate in a small prayer gathering in Santa Rosa. For the first 3 weeks of May we have a ministry commitment to serve in San Fransisco in the Tenderloin district at Mission Adventures! We will be learning how to apply a tool call Immanuel Process with a community where homelessness and prostitution are common. We are really excited to go and join this ministry in bringing the love of Jesus to their local community. 

Please join us in praying for this community as we prepare to go and also for where God is leading us to serve the last week of May. The month of June is still unknown for me and one other students; join us in praying for Gods clarity and leading.

Prayer Requests
  1. Outreach team unity!
  2. Still hoping to raise a bit more financial support to cover my outreach expeneses
  3. Transportation, housing and ministry connection for outreach in Northern Cali for last week of May and possibly into June
  4. That our hearts would be sensitive and submitted to the Lord for the work He is doing in and through us in this outreach season.
  5. Good physical mental, emotional and spiritual health/strength to push though when it is hard...but wisdom to know when/how to rest.

Praise Reports 

  1. For the first 3 weeks of May housing and ministry is mostly organized!
  2. Continued opportunities to rest as we begin outreach and seeing some good team unity as we plan/prepare for a teaching/application workshop we will host on Saturday April 24
  3. God has provided a connection with someone who sounds like they will be a great fit to sublease my space in the condo where I live in Kona while I am gone on outreach.

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about  estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Foundations of Biblical Counseling (FBC)-Jan-June 2021

(Fully Funded January-March ðŸ˜ƒ)

April 1- June 30, 2021- Estimated Total: $2509 + 140 + ??? ($2,340 raised so far)

  • FBC Outreach fee: $2509 (covers school fee, housing, land transportation and food)
  • Other expenses while on outreach?: 
    • $140 one-way plane tickets to Oakland, CA
    • ?????

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Lecture Completed, Rest and Beginning of Outreach

 Hello Family and Friends,

My apologies that I have not written a post for over a month! These past few weeks have been very busy with receiving teaching, doing homework, and completing individual and group final exam papers/projects/presentations. Lecture phase for the counseling school is officially completed; me and the other students are looking forward to outreach and very thankful that we are taking this week to rest before jumping into it, starting on April 5th. 😊

Being prayed for by staff before I presented/taught as part of a
final project
"It is in loving connections with safe people
that we become who we are designed to be."
(Joyful Journey p.11) 

The outreach team that I am part of (me and two other students) will be here in Kona until April 29th and then we are flying to Northern California (Bay Area) to continue outreach there for the month of May. We plan to meet up with a married couple that were also students in our class and are starting their outreach in the Bay Area because that is where they are from and two staff that need to go see family before the can join us for outreach in Cali.  I would like to stay in Cali until the end of outreach on June 18th, but we also have a ministry connection in Tacoma, WA that we are praying about for the last few weeks. 

Please pray with us about our housing, transportation and ministry connection in Cali as this has not all fallen into place yet!  

Prayer Requests

  1. Outreach team unity!
  2. Transportation, housing and ministry connection for outreach in Northern Cali
  3. That our hearts would be sensitive and submitted to the Lord for the work He is doing in and through us in this outreach season.
  4. Good physical mental, emotional and spiritual health/strength to push though when it is hard...but wisdom to know when/how to rest.

Praise Reports 

  1. We have plane tickets to California! And we have some leads on housing and ministry opportunities.
  2. Much needed week of rest for me and the other students. 
  3. God has provided a connection with someone who sounds like they will be a great fit to sublease my space in the condo where I live in Kona while I am gone on outreach.

Support Raising

Please consider if the Lord is calling you to partner with me, short term or long term, through prayer or financial support. Below are details about  estimated expenses and ways to give financially:

Estimated Expenses

Foundations of Biblical Counseling (FBC)-Jan-June 2021

(Fully Funded January-March ðŸ˜ƒ)

April 1- June 30, 2021- Estimated Total: $2509 + 140 + ??? ($2,315 raised so far)

  • FBC Outreach fee: $2509 (covers school fee, housing, land transportation and food)
  • Other expenses while on outreach?: 
    • $140 one-way plane tickets to Oakland, CA
    • ?????

Staffing with Crossroads DTS 

July 2021-March 2022
  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Food: $250/mo
  • Grad school loan: $140/mo

April 2022-May 2022

  • Outreach fee- TBA depending on location (I am hoping for Argentina!)

Ways to Give

1. Donate through my Venmo account

  • User name: @Jenna-Patnott

2. A check made out to me. 

  • Mailed to my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union. (Include a note that says "To be deposited into account") Address: LMCU PO Box, PO Box 2848, Grand Rapids, MI 49501
  • Or to my Kona address: 75-346 Hualalai Rd #103, Kailua Kona, HI 96740

3. Tax Deductible donation to be processed as deputized fundraising through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account. If you want to use this option email me and I will send you the detailed info for how to do this! (Disclaimer: “Contributions are solicited with the understanding that YWAM EPJ has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. It is the policy and intent of YWAM EPJ’s Board to honor preferences as to how donations will be used.”)

Last Blog Post Here-Switch to quarterly newsletters

Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...