Sunday, August 30, 2020

Changes continue to abound!

It’s been a month since my last post and many changes have happened again in that time. 

There is not going to be Crossroads DTS this September; it is postponed until January 2021 (pandemic pending). These past two weeks of prayer ministry training were good and also incredibly challenging. I feel like I understand the structure of the ministry well, but I am not ready to lead other adults through the ministry on my own. I was hoping to keep helping/observing, like I was before the seminar started, but for now that is not an option. There are other staff who participated in the seminar that will be helping/observing in place of me as they get more experience/practice to be able to lead others on their own soon. After these people are released, its possible I will be able to step back into helping/practicing. In the meantime, the Lord has showed me some areas in my own life that He wants to bring more healing to, and has directed me to people who can counsel/mentor me in the process; so that is something to be thankful for!

Helping with coffee plants on a staff owned farm property
that is also used to teach YWAM students

Please join with me in praying about how I should best use the time in the coming weeks. I am still helping on the natural farm a few hours each week, which I like and will probably do more often as I wait for clear direction. There are other opportunities to serve and different free or low-cost trainings being offered on campus, so if one of these things is something the Lord wants me to do, please pray He would clearly highlight that to me.

Lettuce that I planted at campus farm and then covered to protect it
from the strong sun here in Kona

Cases of COVID have increase on the Big Island quite a bit, but mostly on the other (Hilo) side of the island; the YWAM campus continues be cautious cleaning/sanitizing and being compliant with all government mandates.

Fundraising for October-December

I need to start raising financial support again, however because so many changes keep happening I am only raising support for October-December 2020. :) I do plan to still be in Kona after December but due to the constant changes I am not able estimate expenses accurately past the end of the years yet. Monthly donations or one time gifts are both greatly appreciated!

Total estimated monthly expenses: $850- $1,050

  • Housing: $450/mo
  • Groceries/Food/Household items: $300-$400/mo
  • School loans: $100-$200/mo (*according to government mandate my loans (approx. $24,000) are in forbearance til December but my goal is to still pay on them at least some each month.)
Estimated total funds needed for Oct-Dec: $2,550-$3150

3 ways to support financially:

  1. My Venmo account: @Jenna-Patnott
  2. A check made out to me and mail to my bank (include a note in envelope that says "to be deposited into account"or to my address her in Kona:
    • Address for my bank Lake Michigan Credit Union: 
                        LMCU PO Box
                        PO Box 2848
                        Grand Rapids, MI 49501
    • My address in Kona: 
                        Jenna Patnott
                        75-346 Hualalai Rd E103 
                        Kailua, Kona HI 96740

3. Tax deductible donation processed through YWAM El Paso-Juarez Mission account (if you want to donate this way please email me and I will send you instructions)

Answered Prayer:

  • My ears are normal as long as I remember to take meds morning and evening. :)
  • I saw the Lord at work during the prayer ministry training.

Prayer Requests:

1. Good, deep, and healthy community/friendships for me during this time when “social distance” is the norm.

2. A yielded heart to the work the Lord wants to do in me. 

3. That God would give me clarity and direction and fill me with His hope and joy; it is easy to fall into feeling discouraged, sad, angry, and confused when doors that seemed open, keep shutting.

4. Good communication and unity in general; it seems like in this season miscommunication  and disunity just come out of nowhere.

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Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...