Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 6 and 7

Outreach update

At the moment we are still planning to go to Thailand and Cambodia, but purchasing plane tickets has been placed on hold until the end of February, as YWAM Kona carefully watches what happens with the Corona virus. Please pray for the people in the areas that are being effected by this virus, for the churches and believers in those areas and for the YWAM Kona leadership as they make decisions in the next couple weeks about outreach teams/locations.

Once a week we meet with our outreach teams and our last meeting was super fun! We worked on a skit that the kids can be part of for sharing the gospel, one of the kids taught us a game, and one of the adults shared some scripture and words with the team that he felt like the Lord gave him when he was praying about outreach. We will pray about these words as a team now asking the Lord if they are from Him and how to apply them if it is Him speaking.

An 11 year old boy on my outreach team; he is great at catching geckos!

Biblical Worldview-Tom Osterhus

  • Why is it important to have the right worldview?
    • Ideas have consequences (The way you think will determine how you act Proverbs 23:7)
  • How to we develop/come to a worldview: family, religion, education, government, celebrations, media, economics
  • What is your reference point for truth? Culture or the Bible?
    • Christians should not remove themselves from culture but should filter things through a biblical worldview and make wise/discerning choices about what they expose themselves too
  • People in this current generation feel like if people disagree with them then they are judging them and not loving but this is a faulty perspective; disagreeing with someone is not unloving. How you choose to talk to or act toward someone you disagree with will demonstrate love or not.
  • Do you live out of a biblical worldview, animistic worldview, secular worldview?
 Tom gave the class this picture to illustrate how ideas, beliefs, assumptions, and presumption
 effect a person's values, designs and actions.
(I drew this picture last year when he spoke on worldview in my DTS)

Identity and Relationships- Carla Chud

Carla spoke on this same topic during my DTS a year ago but I think I could hear this same teaching every year and learn something new from it each time! So powerful.
  • When we live out of a lie for a long time it forms an entrenched place in our mind-a stronghold; our thoughts actually become physical structures in our brain.
    • Between 75-98% of mental, physical, and behavioral illness come from our thought life. (information from Dr. Caroline Leaf)
    • Unforgiveness literally changes your DNA
    • No negative thought is harmless-its your thoughts that determine your quality of life
  • When we don't understand our value as a child of God we will begin to attach it to false things or feel like we have to perform to earn value
    • Carla lead the class in a time of prayer ministry and gave time to ask the Lord these questions and listen for Him to speak:
      • Father can you show me where the door of self rejection was opened in my life?
      • Is there anyone I need to forgive as a result of that situation?
      • Is there any lie that I have believed?
      • What is the truth?
  • Luke 22:20-27 Like the disciples in this passage we all have a desire for greatness, a desire for significance. Jesus does not rebuke them (or us) for this desire or deny that greatness comes on a scale; he redefines greatness.
    • World system says greatness= fame, money, authority, power, titles, education
    • Jesus says greatness= serving others, humility
  • Story of Moses- Acts 7:20-36; Exodus 2-4:14
    • Something inside Moses knew he was a deliverer but in his immaturity he tried to act out of his own strength; he ends up in the wilderness for forty years and then has a burning bush encounter with the Lord. The Lord calls Moses to deliver the Israelites and all of Moses' "not enoughs" come out; Moses feels like a failure, a nobody. God answers Moses by telling Him that he will be with him and providing in the areas Moses feels weak. Moses does rescue/deliver his people out of Egypt but it happens in God's timing through God given strength, abilities, miracles.
  • Isaiah 61:1-4
    • Broken hearted/prisoner/captive gets set free and healed BUT also becomes a rebuilder and a restorer!
    • When God has healed/set you free in a broken area it is now an area you carry restoration and can minister to others.
  • Number 13 compares to Joshua 2:10-11
    • The Israelites were afraid to enter the promise land because they felt small and weak (like grasshoppers) and assumed that is how the people living in the land saw them; because of this fear the Israelites wanted to go back into captivity.
    • However, in Joshua we see that the people living in the land were actually afraid of the Israelites because they had heard of what God had been doing for them.
    • The Israelites had come out of captivity but the mindset never came out of them
    • In what areas has God set you free but you are still living with a mindset of captivity?
    • Captivity mindset can only be broken by a divine exchange. Ask the Lord how He see you. (Joshua and Caleb who had been spending time with the Lord were the only two not afraid to enter the promised land)
  • Proverbs 17:27-28 Can you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure? 
    • A wise and understanding heart keeps you cool, calm and collected no matter what you are facing
  • Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from you mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that is may give grace to those who hear.
(a lot of the teaching from this week can be found in
book the Carla cowrote with Danny Silk)

Beautiful Music

Cami and Jordon Herndon were students in my Crossroads DTS 2019 (Cami was in my small group)! They are staff this quarter with YWAM Kona Fire and Fragrance DTS and are taking a team to South Africa for outreach; instead of coming back to Kona with their team at the end of DTS, Cami and Jordon will stay long term to help at the YWAM base in South Africa. These are some amazing songs that they wrote last year while DTS students

Dance Performance

This short dance performance happened two weeks ago opening a Thursday night teaching in Ohana Court. The thought came to mind that some very cool 5th graders I worked with this fall might enjoy seeing it so I am posting it here incase they read the blog!

Answered Prayer:

1) Friday night I finally slept through the night!
2) Lots of breakthrough for the students over these past 6 weeks. It is so exciting to see how hungry these students are to grow, learn, know God better, and experience healing and freedom. They are so engaged in class and the exercises/activation parts of class.
3. Growing unity among myself and the two other staff on the Cambo/Thai outreach team! 

Prayer Requests

1. More breakthrough for me; I am struggling quite a lot and have been since I arrived; I know it is spiritual warfare but can't quite identify what lie/lies I am believing so I can replace it/them with God's truth. God has grown me a lot in the past 3 years, and especially in the last year; I was reading back through some notes from my DTS and found this sentence encouraging:

"It is normal for a Christian to go through seasons of feeling very oppressed, it often happens after some significant progress forward." 

The past three weekends there has been some positive shifts but no full breakthrough yet. I went to good prayer ministry session at the beginning of January; I am going back for another prayer session at the end of next week (Friday, Feb 21st) Please pray for healing, freedom, and breakthrough!

2. Good sleep and good health for me and the students/their families
3. Unity among staff (entire staff and each outreach team); good communication
4. Courage, wisdom, understanding, patience with myself and others, humility
5. God's provision for financial support ($3,562 raised so far; total needed $6,535-$7655)
**Sorry I still don't have a better idea of the cost of outreach yet since buying plane tickets was postponed due to Corona virus.**
6. Clear direction during DTS and Outreach
7. Clear direction for after DTS is finished. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Week 4 and 5


Finally!! The anticipation and wait is over...outreach locations were announced to the students on Friday, Jan. 17.  Students were given until Saturday morning to pray individually, as married couples, and/or as families about the location options and then submit their first and second choices to our school leaders, who would then organize teams over the next few days. Students are encouraged not to pick a country just because it is one they are interested in or know about, but to really spend time in prayer listening for where the Lord wants them to go.

The three options for outreach were: South Africa, Thailand, and Cambodia/Thailand.

On Wednesday Jan 22 outreach teams were revealed! Students were each given envelopes with pieces of cut out paper (individuals got one piece, couples two pieces, and families enough pieces for parents and kids to each have one) The pieces would fit together with their other team members and create a picture; students moved excitingly around the classroom trying to discover whose pieces matched up with their.
The students on my team got all their puzzle pieces put together!
I am going to Cambodia and Thailand! Besides myself, there are two other staff, a staff child, a married couple, two families, a single mom and her son and two single students on the team. We are starting to get to know each other and already I think it is going to be an incredible team, so many gifts people who are hungry to know the Lord more and make Him know to others.

Total: 12 adults and 7 kids

Orange=Thailand   Green=Cambodia
We hope to fly into Bangkok spend a couple days, and
then spend 3-4 weeks in another city in Thailand (not sure where yet).
We will spend about 3-4 weeks in Battambang, Cambodia
and hope to spend our last few nights of outreach in Siem Riep.
We shall see how the Lord leads during Feb and March as we prepare.

Tiger and Carrie Hill-Pure Heart

The teaching material for Week 3 came out of a book called Pure Heart.

Tom and Donna Cole, who wrote the book, taught this week when I was a student last year, however this quarter they were not available to teach in Crossroads because they already had a commitment in Cambodia to teach Pure Heart over there, which is really awesome!

So, our guest speakers this week were a couple names Tiger and Carrie Hill; they did a terrific job teaching the Pure Heart material and leading ministry times. The focus topics were: mother wound, father wound, true feminity and true masculinity, and forgiveness. Tiger and Carrie's stories of how God changed their lives and their marriage was a perfect fit to speak truth into the students in this Crossroad class; many of their life experience were very relatable to things the students had experienced themselves. It was beautiful to watch as the Lord encountered the students and brought healing into very broken and painful places in their hearts.

God also ministered to my heart and the other staff during this week!

Amy Ward-Holy Spirit

The speaker for week 4 was Amy Ward. She taught on Holy Spirit when I was a student last year and it was SO GOOD; it was just as good this year. The teaching was powerful, as were the ministry times. Here is link to Amy Ward webpage were you can read notes about what she teaches!

My Mailing Address in Kona

Jenna Patnott
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #316
Kailua-Kona Hawaii 96740 USA

(Do not write PO Box on letter since it will get mixed with the mail in the City Post Office)

Answered prayer:

1. My sleeping continues to improve: I am falling asleep better this past week; still waking up around 3 am and feeling restless til I get up for breakfast. But I'm celebrating the improvements.

2. I have seen lots of moments of unity among the staff; we are learning communicate and to work as team better and better.

3. A friend gave me a pair of brand new Chaco sandals! This is a funny one that I forgot to report earlier and is answer to something I have prayed about for several year. :)

4. Outreach cost will be less than I originally expect!! I still don't have an exact number but it should be $3000 or less.
Considering this outreach cost adjustment here is an updated for my estimate total expenses:

Total Expenses: $6,535- $7,655 (Note: $3,262 raised so far)

Round Trip Plane Ticket - $1,000

In Kona: Jan-March; June
Housing - $400-$600/mo
Food- $120-200/mo
Laundry- $40
Mailbox: $30
Staff fee and ID Card - $15

Outreach - $3000
Heath/Travel Insurance- $250


Prayer Requests:

1. Good health for students, staff and their kids-sickness just keeps going around.
2. Good sleep for me and the students
3. Unity among the staff; that we would communicate well and know how to work as a team.
4. Courage, wisdom, understanding, patience with myself and others, humility
5. God's provision for financial support ($3,262 raised so far total needed $6,535-$7,655)
*I will hopefully have a better idea of the cost of outreach and health insurance for that time soon*
6. Clear direction during DTS and Outreach

Last Blog Post Here-Switch to quarterly newsletters

Hello family and friends, Here is a YouTube video link about our outreach teams time in Norway! r3ZEh4GWOgE Spring has arr...